Aug 16, 2021Liked by Pudlord Tynan

Love the example you use about Ghost Rider not being the best, but although I don't remember much of this movie, I remember this scene and remembering how it was so cool to my younger self. Even in "bad" movies or shows, I find that there are always great moments. One such example that I enjoyed was in the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie that many regard as the worst one, but the scene where everyone is trying to lift Mjolnir and when Captain America budges it a little and Thor's face at that moment was priceless. The other scene from that movie that I loved was the surprise reveal of Vision being able to wield Mjolnir. This is a great perspective to have when critiquing. It's not just about the shortcomings, the valleys... but what is good.... or you just might go through life not enjoying anything at all. Thank you for this uplifting read. Myriad Muser!

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